ASEAN Cooperation

GXUASEAN Exchange and Cooperation

Guangxi University is actively advancing its agenda for internationalization by deepening connections with ASEAN nations and fostering a global perspective. Strategically, GXU is enhancing its global presence to facilitate international exchanges and collaborations. Through extensive partnerships with universities in ASEAN countries, Guangxi University is engaged in various domains such as faculty and student exchanges, talent development, research cooperation, and collaborative educational programs. These efforts have led to the establishment of academic cooperation agreements with 285 universities and academic institutions across 48 countries and regions worldwide. Particularly, the university maintains close partnerships with 99 universities and academic institutions in the ten ASEAN member countries, further enriching its international engagement.

In September 2023, Guangxi University forged a collaborative agreement with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, a prestigious institution under the Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

In January 2024, a memorandum of understanding for cooperation was signed with Chulalongkorn University.

In the past five years, Guangxi University has signed 46 friendly agreements with overseas universities and institutions, adding 22 new partner institutions. A total of 767 faculty members were sent to high-level universities abroad for academic pursuits, short-term further training, and academic exchanges. Additionally, 1347 students participated in long and short-term exchange programs overseas. GXU hosted 515 delegations comprising 2086 individuals from foreign universities and research institutions for visits, exchanges, and lectures. Furthermore, 125 foreign experts and teachers were hired, including two Nobel Prize laureates and one Fields Medalist, appointed as honorary professors. The university has also systematically developed cooperative programs with foreign institutions and inter-school exchange projects, enrolling a total of 567 students.

For six consecutive years, the China-ASEAN University Think Tank Alliance has held its annual forum, gradually expanding the university's influence in ASEAN countries. In 2022, the “Guangxi University International Cooperation and Exchange Camp” seamlessly integrated online and offline activities. These encompassed thematic lectures on “Foreign Affairs Knowledge,” “International Exchange and Cooperation in the Post-Pandemic Era,” and “Briefing Sessions on Short-Term Overseas Programs.” GXU also hosted the “Overseas Master Lecture Hall,” featuring insights from 20 esteemed international experts including from ASEAN countries to an audience of nearly 4000.

Additionally, student engagement initiatives such as the “Charm Exhibition of China and 10 ASEAN Countries” and a poster design competition drew over 500 participants. The university also took the lead in organizing two international conferences: the “2022 International Symposium on the Use of Biological Resources Protection and Utilization” and the “2022 International Cooperation Seminar on Green Building and the New Western Land-Sea Corridor,” both sponsored by the Ministry of Education’s School Planning and Construction Development Center.

Furthering international collaboration, GXU held productive conferences with institutions including the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Laos. In addition, GXU actively participated in online commemorative activities marking the 40th anniversary of friendly relations between Guangxi and Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. This included trilateral forums for Chinese, Japanese, and Thai university students, the 2022 China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Forum, and virtual youth exchanges with Kumamoto Gakuen University in Japan. Guangxi University has seen improvement in rankings from QS, US News, and Times, rising from the 1200+ range in 2017 to the 1000+ range in 2022.

In 2006, Mr. Banhan Sinlapa-acha, the 21st Prime Minister of Thailand, inaugurated the Confucius Institute of Suphanburi.

In 2023, the Joint Conference of Directors of the Confucius Institute was convened at Suan Dusit University in Thailand.

In 2023, GXU successfully organized the First Guangxi University China-ASEAN Regional Cooperation and Development Forum, which saw the participation of 630 domestic and international delegates. Among them were 71 experts and scholars from ASEAN countries and Belt and Road Initiative countries. During the forum, several platforms were established, including the China-ASEAN International Chinese Education Alliance, the Smart Green Canal Big Data Platform, the China-ASEAN Political Party Governance Theory and Experience Academic Research Platform, the China-ASEAN Economic and Trade Financial Cooperation Exchange Platform, the China-ASEAN Business Cooperation and Low-Carbon Development Exchange Platform, the China-ASEAN Mathematics Exchange and Cooperation Platform, and the China-ASEAN Legal Exchange and Cooperation Platform. These initiatives aimed to advance projects such as the China-ASEAN Corpus, the China-ASEAN Legal Database and Online Retrieval Platform, and the ASEAN Law Determination Center, further enhancing cooperation within the China-ASEAN University (Country and Regional Studies) Think Tank Alliance. Moreover, GXU successfully hosted the “Contemporary World Forum: Harmony for Shared Prosperity,” organized by the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The event saw the participation of over 600 delegates, including political parties, think tanks, media representatives, business leaders, and student representatives from more than 30 countries. In the same period, GXU also held the “Harmony for Shared Prosperity and Joint Journey to Success” cultural exchange event for Chinese and foreign youth. Following the forum, GXU, together with the International Exchange Center of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Contemporary World magazine, jointly hosted the “Harmony for Shared Prosperity Youth Art Works,” receiving a total of 3022 submissions from students representing over 40 universities in ASEAN countries and Belt and Road Initiative countries.

In 2024, GXU successfully organized the China-Japan-Korea-ASEAN “Young Ambassadors” Exchange Program (YAP2024), with 500 students from China, Japan, Korea, and ASEAN countries participating. Moreover, the university also successfully hosted the 8th International Conference on Structural Fire Engineering Applications in 2024.

GXU hosted the China-Japan-Korea-ASEAN “Young Ambassadors” Exchange Program (YAP2024)