News & Events
Guanxgi University Attends the 11th ASEAN+3 University Network Foreign Affairs Officials Meeting

From April 24th to 25th, Xiamen University played host to the 11th ASEAN+3 University Network Foreign Affairs Officials Meeting, organized by the ASEAN University Network Secretariat. Prof. Dr.Zhang Zongyi, President of Xiamen University and Mr. Choltis Dhirathiti, Executive Director of the ASEAN University Network Secretariat, graced the event with their presence and delivered speeches. Prof. Dr. Xiao Jianzhuang, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Guangxi University, was in attendance at the meeting and associated events.

During the deliberations, universities in attendance discussed topics such as University Engagement with Stakeholders and Partners, Harnessing Technological Innovation for Sustainable Development, Sharing Responsibility for Social and Environmental Well-being, etc. Prof. Dr. Xiao Jianzhuang highlighted Guangxi University’s collaborative experiences with ASEAN nations in education, showcasing key initiatives like the China-ASEAN Research Institute, the China-ASEAN Institute of Financial Cooperation, and the forthcoming China-ASEAN Institute of Economics. He expressed Guangxi University’s commitment to expanding international exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN University Network members, as well as institutions in Japan and South Korea, across broader domains and deeper levels of engagement.

Throughout the conference, GXU engaged in productive discussions and deep exchanges with attending institutions like the Universiti Malaya, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, University of the Philippines, Seoul National University of South Korea, and Nagasaki University of Japan. These interactions focused on exploring the potential for future projects and culminated in agreements for collaborative initiatives.