School of Computer and Electronic Information

The School of Computer and Electronic Information of Guangxi University offers multiple programs, including computer science and technology, information security, network engineering, electronic information engineering, communication engineering, and artificial intelligence. The discipline of Computer Science and Technology was selected as distinctive advantageous key program and the discipline of Software Engineering was selected as the key discipline of Guangxi. The school has several teaching and research platforms, such as Guangxi Key Laboratory of Multimedia Communications and Network Technology, Guangxi Research Center of Intelligent Digital Service Technology Engineering, Key Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Intelligent Computing of Guangxi Universities, Nanning Branch Center of National High Performance Computing Center (High Performance Computing Center of Guangxi University), the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Guangxi University, the Computer and Information Technology Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center of Guangxi University, and the Computer and information Technology Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Center of Guangxi Universities, Guangxi Information Security Industry College, Guangxi Featured Demonstration Software College, and Guangxi Network Security Talent Training Base, etc.

The school now has formed a multi-level education system including postgraduate education, undergraduate education and adult education. At present, undergraduate programs include Computer Science and Technology, Information Security, Electronic Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, academic master’s degree programs include Computer Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering, and professional master’s degree program is Electronic Information (including 4 professional fields: computer technology, artificial intelligence, new generation of electronic information technology, and communication engineering). Besides, the school, together with other schools of Guangxi University, jointly sets up independently three doctoral programs of secondary disciplines, namely Computing Theory and System, Electric Power Equipment and Intelligent Information Technology, and Bioinformatics. The master’s degree program of Engineering in the field of Computer Technology was awarded as National Characteristic Engineering Field of Postgraduate Education of Engineering. Computer Science and Technology was approved as the undergraduate major of the third batch of National Education and Cultivation Program for Talented Engineers in 2014, the construction of national first-class undergraduate major in 2019, passed the engineering education professional certification and was approved as the Guangxi characteristic demonstration School in 2022. The major of Information Security was approved as the construction of provincial first-class undergraduate major and the School of Information Security Industry in Guangxi in 2021, and the first batch of network security talent training base (pilot) in Guangxi in 2022. In the same year, Electronic Information Engineering was approved to construct the national first-class undergraduate major, and Communication Engineering was approved to construct the national first-class undergraduate major in 2020.  At present, the school has over 2600 students, including more than 20 doctoral students, over 800 master students, over 1600 undergraduates and over 10 international students. The school has comparatively larger number of students in Guangxi University.

The school now has 119 faculty members, among which 21 professors, 32 associate professors, and 4 senior engineers. 12 of them are doctoral supervisors, and 70 of the faculty members hold a doctoral degree. Among the teachers, one is a national high-level talent, one is selected for the “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program” of the Ministry of Education, three are selected for the second level of the “New Century Talents Project” of Guangxi, two as Guangxi High-Level Talents, one as “Bagui Young Scholar”, and one in “Hundred Talents Program” of universities in Guangxi. Besides, there are 2 candidates of “Funding Program for 100 Young and Middle-aged Discipline Leaders of Universities in Guangxi”, 4 candidates of "Outstanding Talents Funding Program of Universities in Guangxi ", 1 winner of "Guangxi Outstanding Youth Fund" project and 2 winners of Baosteel Excellent Teachers Award.

Centering on the major development strategy of national and Guangxi economic construction and the needs of industrial development, the school drives the work of applied research, technology development and service based on basic research and applied basic research. It focuses on the research and development in the fields of high-performance parallel computing, distributed computing and cloud computing, Internet software, big data and data management, intelligent information processing, intelligent control and intelligent energy, biological information processing and digital agriculture, network and information security, trusted software, database security, computer graphics and visualization, mobile multimedia communication, medical image processing, wireless network and edge computing, Beidou satellite communication and optical fiber communication, forming distinctive technical advantages and research characteristics with a number of research achievements. Over the past five years, it has presided over more than 30 national research projects, more than 40 provincial and ministerial research projects, and more than 200 other projects, getting over 54 million yuan for research. Our faculty have published more than 900 high-level papers in journals and academic conferences at home and abroad, including over 130 SCI Q1 or Q2 papers, and more than 360 papers indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP. More than 20 textbooks and monographs have been published. The school owns over 100 national invention patents, 5 utility model patents, and more than 1,300 computer software copyrights. Also, it has won 4 science and technology awards at provincial and ministerial level.

The school is committed to the goal of training innovative students, and carrying out teaching research and reform practice in the construction of disciplines, the new mode of training students, the reform of teaching content and curriculum system, the construction of teaching materials, and the improvement of teaching methods. Outstanding achievements have been made and the quality of talent training has been significantly improved. In the past 10 years, the school has undertaken more than 40 higher education reform projects of Guangxi. In the past five years, it has won more than 10 Guangxi Teaching Achievement Awards and Guangxi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Education Achievement Awards. The school enjoys a large number of high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate students, with an employment rate of graduates remaining above 90%. The graduates of the school are working at home and abroad, highly praised by employers.

The School of Computer and Electronic Information is actively engaged in the construction of “Double First-Class” and strives to cultivate more talents with all-round development, so as to make greater contributions to the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era in Guangxi and to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.