School of Business

The School of Business of Guangxi University boasts a long and distinguished history, dating back to the establishment of the Department of Economics in 1937. Mr. Li Da, a renowned thinker, politician, and philosopher who served as a delegate to the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, was the department’s first director. Over the years, the department has been home to many distinguished scholars, including Shi Fuliang, Zhang Renjia, and Xue Muqiao. In 1997, the School of Business was established to focus on the development of Applied Economics and Business Management disciplines. In 2021, the school was restructured into the present School of Business, which now oversees the first-level discipline of Business Administration and its corresponding undergraduate majors.

With values of “integrity, erudition, innovation, and excellence”, the vision and mission of the school are to “become one of China’s top business schools, enrich management knowledge, cultivate business leaders, and promote social prosperity and progress”.

Currently, the school has three departments: Enterprise Management, Accounting and Finance, and Tourism Management, offering four undergraduate majors in Business Administration, Accounting, Financial Management, and Tourism Management. Among them, Accounting, Business Administration, and Tourism Management are three national first-class undergraduate major construction sites. The school also has been authorized to grant doctoral and master’s degrees in Business Administration, and it offers three professional master’s degree programs: Master of Business Administration (MBA, including Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) for senior management), Master of Professional Accounting (MPAcc), and Master of Tourism Administration (MTA). It was one of the earliest schools in Guangxi to foster MBA talents and is currently the only school in Guangxi to cultivate EMBA talents.

The School of Business has a total of 2,552 students, including 998 undergraduate students and 1,554 graduate students. There are currently 88 faculty and staff members, including 25 professors, 33 associate professors, and 68 full-time teachers. The faculty includes experts who received special government allowances of the State Council, national outstanding accountants, national young experts in the tourism industry, outstanding experts in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, second-level candidates of Guangxi “New Century Ten-Hundred-Thousand Talent Project” and Junwu scholars of Guangxi University.

The School of Business covers an area of over 10,000 square meters, with well-equipped teaching, research, and experimental facilities. The Economic and Management Experimental Center is a key laboratory among universities in Guangxi and the first national teaching demonstration center in the field of economic and management in Guangxi.

The school excels in providing innovative and entrepreneurial education and is the designated college for the Guangxi University Student Entrepreneurship Incubation Base. Our students have achieved remarkable achievements in various national and international competitions. For instance, in 2016, our team emerged as the champion of the Global Management Challenge in China and secured third place in the global competition. In addition, our team won the first prize in the final round of the “XueChuang Cup” National College Students Comprehensive Simulation Contest. Moreover, in 2018, our team won the silver prize in the “Chuangqingchun” National College Students Entrepreneurship Competition MBA Special Competition and Network Information Economy Special Competition. We have also won the first place in the first FISU World University Championship-Cheerleading. In the 41st and 42nd Global Management Challenge international finals, our team won the second prize two years in a row. Furthermore, our team was awarded the gold prize in the 7th China College Students’ “Challenge Cup” Entrepreneurship Competition and Enterprise Operation Simulation Competition.

Over the years, the school has established a complete disciplinary structure, an outstanding faculty team, and a sound teaching system, cultivating over 30,000 undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students. Our alumni are active in various fields including politics, business, and academia, and have become an important driving force for social development. Looking forward, the school will focus on areas such as the big data, artificial intelligence, carbon peak, and carbon neutrality, striving to become a top-tier business school in the new era.