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Guangxi University holds 2023 Commencement and Degree Awarding Ceremony for Postgraduate Students

On June 28, Guangxi University held a commencement ceremony and degree awarding ceremony for 112 doctoral students and 3879 master students of the class of 2023 in the West Campus Gymnasium. Wang Naixue (Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Secretary of the CPC Guangxi University Committee), Li Jibing (Liaison officer of the Party Building of the Ministry of Education), Han Linhai (Deputy Secretary of the CPC Guangxi University Committee, President of Guangxi University ), Lv Yi (Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of CPC Guangxi University Committee), Ma Shaojian, Fan Zuojun,Liu Xiang, Tian Lihui, Xiao Jianzhuang (all Vice Presidents), Ning Xuchu (Chief Accountant), Zhao Shuangliang (Assistant Principal, Vice Provost, Director of the Development Planning Division), members of the University Academic Degree Evaluation Committee, teacher representatives, Alumni representatives and graduate representatives attended the ceremony. Feng Jiaxun (Vice President and Provost) presided over the ceremony.

After singing the national anthem, the 2023 Commencement and Degree Awarding Ceremony kicked off. Han Linhai made a speech entitled “Patriotism, Dedication, Practice, and Future". On behalf of Guangxi university, he congratulated all the students and extended heartfelt thanks to parents, teachers and their family members.

Han Linhai encouraged students to shoulder their responsibilities in the practice of patriotism and dedication, cultivate the love of home and country,integrate their own development into the development of the motherland and the people, keep pace with the times and share the future destiny with the people. They should utilize their skills and knowledge on a broader stage, making contributions to the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. He also pointed out that the students should always strive for excellence and perfection, make bold changes and innovations, and conquer key core technologies, so as to serve the people and the country with real learning. To realize the value of life in a down-to-earth way, they should keep learning and practicing, take on responsibilities with hard work, realize dreams with struggle so that they can go better and further on the path of their own life and of realizing national rejuvenation. Furthermore, they should cooperate with each other, and pursue a colorful life through mutual learning and shared prosperity.

Han Linhai hoped that the students could both look up at the stars and be down-to-earth, understand the changes of the world and the general trend of history, and become practical patriots who value solidarity and cooperation, pursue excellence and lead the times. We should continue to inherit and carry forward our motto of "diligence and sincerity" and the spirit of building a “Double First-class university that strives for innovation and all-round development. On the new journey, we should answer the call of the times and work hard to contribute to the modernization with Chinese characteristics. Han also said that his Guangxi University will always be their home and strong backing.