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The China-ASEAN School of Economics Established in Collaboration Between the Ministry of Education and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Regional Government

On April 28th, Vice Govenor Li Changguan of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region visited Guangxi University (GXU) to unveil the China-ASEAN School of Economics. During his visit, he explored an exhibit of China-ASEAN economic talent development and research achievements, urging the institution to carve out a distinct identity and achieve high standards, enhancing its contribution to international cooperation and openness. The event was attended by notable figures including Wang Naixue, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Secretary of GXU Party Committee; Hu Suojin, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of China Association for International Economic Cooperation, and former Economic & Commercial Minister Councelor at the Embassy of China in Vietnam; and several regional leaders: Liang Lei, Deputy Secretary-General of People’s Government in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region; Liu Youyi, who serves as both the Party Group Secretary and the Director General of Guangxi Education Department; Liu Jiakai, a Party Group Member and Vice Chairman of Guangxi’s Association for Science and Technology; Xia Fei, President of Guangxi University of Finance and Economics; and Luo Jun, Chairman of Guangxi Rural Commercial Bank. Han Linhai, Deputy Secretary of GXU Party Committee and President of Guangxi University, hosted the ceremony.

Vice Govenor Li Changguan declares the opening of the China-ASEAN School of Economics

The inauguration of the China-ASEAN School of Economics at Guangxi University marks a significant step, taken jointly by the Ministry of Education and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, to fully embrace General Secretary Xi Jinping’s strategy for Guangxi. This move is aimed at actively contributing to the development of a more tightly-knit China-ASEAN community with shared future.

The China-ASEAN School of Economics, housed at Guangxi University, was formed in partnership with prestigious domestic universities, leveraging resources from GXU’s School of Economics and International College. Its strategic objectives include establishing “three bases, one think tank, and one center.” These consist of a training hub for internationalized talents focused on the China-ASEAN region, a research hub dedicated to regional and national studies within ASEAN, an integration base for industry and education as well as science and education, a specialized China-ASEAN think tank, and a China-ASEAN information exchange center.

Unveiling ceremony 

Vice Chairman and Secretary Wang Naixue giving a speech

“The inauguration of the school marks merely the initial step of a much longer journey," a key official from Guangxi University stated. They plan to further accentuate the ASEAN-focused educational characteristics and strengths, leveraging this as a catalyst to elevate the “Applied Economics and Modern Services Academic Cluster,” a collaborative effort with regional authorities. This initiative aims to achieve global academic excellence and contribute fresh impetus to the evolving China-ASEAN relationship.

Minister Councelor Hu Suojin giving Speech

President Han Linhai Hosting the Unveiling Ceremony

“Guangxi's universities have long been pivotal in cultivating high-level ASEAN talents in China, and it is entirely fitting that the China-ASEAN School of Economics is established here,” Hu Suojin remarked. He noted that Guangxi is vital for China’s security and prosperity, and the China-ASEAN ties have become exemplary within Asia-Pacific regional cooperation. The China Association for International Economic Cooperation is eager to collaborate extensively with Guangxi University, especially in foreign economic and trade cooperation. They aim to maximize the think tank’s role, enhance joint research efforts, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of academic quality and research output at the China-ASEAN School of Economics, thus effectively supporting the high-quality development of China-ASEAN relations.

The event was attended by prominent members from various governmental and educational bodies, including Chen Caishao, Xie Guihai, Yu Weixiu, Zhu Lei, and Bi Jianfeng. Additionally, key figures from Guangxi University, such as Vice Presidents Xia Guo’en, Xiao Jianzhuang, and Yu Wenjin, representatives from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guangxi Committee as well as Guangxi Chamber of International Commerce, Institute of International Economy of the University of International Economy, and heads of relevant GXU departments were also present.

Following the unveiling ceremony, Guangxi University hosted the inaugural “China-ASEAN Economic Lecture Series” at Huixuetang Hall. Zheng Xinli, the former Deputy Director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, together with notable experts like Hu Suojin and Xia Fei, engaged in discussions on “Enhancing China-ASEAN Economic Openness and Cooperation, and Fostering a China-ASEAN Community with Shared Future.” They presented their insights to an audience of 150 faculty members and students from the China-ASEAN School of Economics at Guangxi University.