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Academician Hong Deyuan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Speaks at GXU’s Junwu Lecture Hall

On June 29, Mr. Hong Deyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and a world-renowned botanist, was invited to deliver a lecture titled Species Issues and Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization at the Junwu Lecture Hall for the faculty and students of GXU. The event was hosted by Mr. Yu Wenjin, Vice President of GXU. Mr. Cai Zhongping, Director of the Forestry Bureau of the Autonomous Region, and Ms. Jiang Yinghong, a second-level inspector of the Forestry Bureau of the Autonomous Region, attended the lecture.

Mr. Hong shared his insights on species classification and morphological principles, presenting effective strategies for species conservation. Drawing from his extensive research on peonies and paeonies, he proposed a “scientific and practical species concept.” He also offered constructive suggestions on various aspects related to biology, including discipline development, talent cultivation, scientific research, faculty development, and social services.

Mr. Yu extended a warm welcome to Mr. Hong Deyuan, noting that Mr. Hong, using his research on peonies and paeonies as an example, illustrated the importance of scientific species classification. He highlighted the richness of the lecture's content and expressed hope that students would apply the knowledge they gained to their professional fields, thereby contributing to the modernization efforts aimed at achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

During the Q&A session, Mr. Hong engaged with the faculty and students on topics such as the criteria for identifying new species and the challenges faced by contemporary plant taxonomists. He addressed their questions and encouraged young scholars to enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, stay committed to their research directions, and contribute to the development of their disciplines.

Mr. Hong Deyuan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Third World Academy of Sciences, is a world-renowned botanist and a guest lecturer on the CCTV program Voice. He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991 and as a fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences in 2001. Mr. Hong has long been engaged in plant systematics and evolutionary research, making significant contributions to the taxonomy and systematics of plants in the Scrophulariaceae, Campanulaceae, and Commelinaceae families. He is the editor-in-chief of Plant Cell Taxonomy, the first monograph in this field worldwide. He received the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Prize in 2000, the inaugural Macquarie Award in 2012, and the Engler Gold Medal at the 19th International Botanical Congress in 2017, becoming the first Asian scholar to receive this award in over 30 years.

More than 160 representatives from the Autonomous Region Forestry Bureau and faculty and students from GXU attended the lecture.